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Brand AwarenessDecember 19, 2022

5 Ways Companies Are Utilizing AI in Digital Marketing to Enhance Customer Experience

December 19, 2022
Latana Logo Author Photo
Eva Bouchard
Content Writer

AI has been pushing boundaries for years now in all fields, including the digital marketing space.

Whether it’s AI content in games, personalized ads, or chatbots online — AI is creeping into our daily lives, and we have no control over it.

Today, we’ll be looking at how AI is used within the digital market. But, before we begin, let’s talk about AI’s role within the digital marketing space.

What Role Does AI Have In Digital Marketing?

AI offers plenty of benefits within the digital marketing space. Machine learning is able to help improve certain processes, which otherwise would have been wasted on a real person.

This allows for much better productivity since the AI can take care of tasks like creating effective workflows, data collection, and automation — which frees up time for employees to focus on larger problems, without having to worry about the smaller tasks.

Using machine learning requires information though, which is why in recent years there has been an uproar over the protection of data and personal information. Why? Because machine learning can use all of that raw data to create algorithms that companies can use to push products and services to you.

There has been plenty to say about AI in the digital market. Today, we’ll be taking a look at 5 ways companies are utilizing AI in digital marketing to enhance customer experience.

1. Chatbots

A chatbot is essentially an AI-driven program that can have basic conversations and answer certain questions customers might have. Customer support tools, like chatbots, can be programmed to answer frequently asked questions, schedule meetings with clients, or greet customers and send them to the correct person.

The best part about chatbots though is that when machine learning is implemented, they’re able to learn from their interactions with customers. The more customers ask questions, the better they will become at answering customers’ questions.

Chatbots have become more widely used in recent years, mainly because of how far the technology has come. But also so that human staff can spend their time on more important things than answering basic questions like pricing.

Not only that, but chatbots respond immediately — which makes customers feel important. Chatbots can be programmed to greet users with a friendly hello and might even be able to tap into user information to greet them by name.

Chatbots can be found running many FAQs these days, as well as operating the landing pages of plenty of websites. If you’ve recently had to reschedule a flight, you might have been in contact with a customer support chatbot and never even spoken to a real person at all.

There are tons of other examples of companies leveraging these intelligent programs to provide information to potential customers 24/7.

However, before programming a chatbot to provide better and quicker customer service, you need to keep in mind what your goals are and what problems you’re trying to solve. And if chatbots fit your strategy, then you’ll need to choose a suitable platform to set up your AI chatbot for your own business.

Indeed, many powerful platforms are available on the market but not all of them might fit your needs.

2. Image recognition technology

Image recognition technology is getting better day by day, and so are its uses.

Image recognition is the ability of software to identify things in a picture — these can be people, a place, or objects within a given picture.

Machine vision cameras are paired with extremely advanced AI using algorithms to record data, analyze it, and recognize images. The potential growth within this industry is immense, and plenty of companies are investing in the technology.

However, their intentions can differ.

Machine vision can be beneficial within an industrial environment, running live cameras to detect issues within a factory or self-driving cars. But what a lot of investors are really interested in is its ability to analyze visual data in the marketplace.

These days, a lot of information can be gathered from pictures on social media.

Integrating image recognition with text-based analytics should make searching for valuable data on a social media page much easier.

When people post things about a brand online, they might not mention the brand directly, but post a picture of it. Most search engines currently won’t be able to find that post and its relation to your brand.

Instead, if you used image recognition to find the writing or logo of your brand in the picture, you would be able to analyze the post and get some great info from it.

Take, for example, a canned food company that produces a defective batch of canned food that needs to be recalled. Instead of just putting it out on your social media pages, you can also run an image recognition of your brand on each social media site, and send an automated email to all these accounts.

Sure, it does sound much easier than it is, but it’s no lie that using this technology will help you get into contact with more people than simply posting it.

3. Predictive and targeted content

Customers are what marketing is all about, which is why the user experience on your website is everything!

Companies like Netflix have designed an excellent UX, delivering mostly positive results with its AI-curated recommendations. But even then, Netflix has been flirting with the idea of human-curated recommendations called “collections” and were testing it for a while on IOS devices.

This shows that people are still suckers for being made to feel special and catered to by another person, instead of a computer.

UX, which stands for user experience, has to do with how users interact with a website. This includes the ease of use, how a website’s utility is perceived, and its speed. AI can still be used for UX design, specifically when it comes to helping creative marketing teams get an extra bolt of creativity or need help solving a problem.

Using AI to help design your UX should allow some extra time away for your design and marketing teams to use their “human skills” for other things that need their attention.

Throw in machine learning and these AI algorithms should learn how users usually do things, offering them a completely different experience than the next person.

Ai isn’t just used for personalization though, the future of AI is looking more fascinating with every year that passes.

4. Content creation

It can be extremely hard to create original or creative content these days, especially when the internet is flooded with content daily.

Content marketing platforms are becoming the norm. These companies offer these exact services to companies that need to create original content that is copyright free, yet still engaging. Now AI has joined in on the fun as well.

AI can be used in specific ways to create content that still feels personal and fulfills the customer’s requirements, without needing all the manpower and hours that would have been wasted without AI.

AI can analyze plenty of other, similar content samples and look at their performance as well. It can then either make certain changes to your page or simply suggest changes for you to make.

Not only does this save you a lot of time, but it can also help you boost lead generation from the get-go, without any A/B testing even.

Using AI to create content should keep users happier and engaged with your content. AI can never fully replace content creators, but it can be used together to find the best way to present content that will get more people interested.

5. Personalization

It’s a proven fact that personalization is an important factor when it comes to customer satisfaction and converting leads.

A 2021 report showed that companies that do great at personalizing content generated 40% more revenue than businesses that didn’t.

With the dawn of AI, providing a personalized experience to your users has become easier than ever! No more sifting through piles of information to try and get something usable or figure out what your audience really wants. AI software can now easily scan your social media pages collecting literal mountains of data in seconds to minutes, compile it all together and make recommendations.

This information can then be used to personally send ads to specific users, instead of all of your followers. Product suggestions on your website can be based on their previous search history, or even remember previous interactions with your website, offering a product they might have been looking at yesterday.

When AI tailors your website’s suggestions toward the content relevant to the user, it satisfies the immediate need of the user. This sort of gratification is what makes users come back to your website or app, over and over again.

Final Thoughts

AI is rapidly changing the customer experience and for better or worse, companies need to consider getting on the AI train as fast as possible. Not only is AI able to provide valuable information to companies regarding the user experience, but is able to assist in curating content to fit the needs of the users, sometimes better than we can do ourselves.

Brand Awareness

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