MRP: The Future of Brand Tracking

We use Multilevel Regression and Poststratification (MRP) to guarantee reliable data and deeper insights


Advanced Algorithm. Insights at Scale. Better Brand Tracking

Precision Every Time

Our algorithm produces lower margins of error so you can act with confidence when making marketing decisions

Reliable Segmentation

Audience precision that allows you to segment the data by your chosen target characteristics with representativity and reliability in the data.

Accurate Data

Better quality insights that are more closely aligned to real-world changes

Advanced Brand Tracking From The Experts
Data Quality

Quality answers from the right audience

Behind our machine learning there is a team of data scientists and researchers providing detailed insights on your brand's health and campaign performance. Latana's algorithm learns over time ensuring reliable and precise results that help you make better marketing decisions.

Our Machine Learning Utilizes the Best Data Modelling Techniques

Data Smoothing

Our algorithm considers every wave of data to learn the difference between outliers in the data variance and real-world movements. This removes the noise from a dataset to help detect realistic brand trends

Stable Sample Composition

Our algorithm inputs many audience characteristics used to predict KPI outputs. Not only does this allow for more granular and reliable audience segmentation than quota-sampling can, it also ensures stability in your sample composition over time.

You're in Good Company

Knowing how is Holvi comparing to the competition, and what the unaided and aided awareness of our brand is, helps us improve our strategy
Jarno Nousiainen,Senior User Researcher, Holvi